This Black Satin Gown & Black Tafeta Skirt with Daring Lace Blouse is one of Lagana's eleven new ensembles for Cissy and 21" Alexander Maid Marion - - - and these eleven are the last Cissy outfits Lagana will make ever! This ensemble is two outfits in one as the black underskirt for the Black Satin Gown is just too pretty to be always underneath. So with a lace top it is its own outfit. $400.00 for all.
Maroon velvet lines the bodice.
The Black Satin Gown has a touch of maroon velvet showing at the bodice top. The straps and accent are "pearls" as are her purse and shoes. All with Lagana's hand signed labels. The solid gold necklace is only included if the outfit sells for the full $400 and if the Turquoise & Floral Satin Gown doesn't sell with it first.
It was hard to decide whether the dramatic white gloves or the subtle shear gold and rose gloves (two layers of net) looked best. So both are included in the ensemble.
How can the poofy black tafeta slip stay underneath the gown, especially with the rich lace accent for a waist? So more of this beautiful bridal lace was cut for a bodice and now there is a second outfit to this ensemble. . . . . But . . . should Maid Marion or Cissy be modest or unbutton the middle panel of lace and bare her middrif?
Purse and shoes are hand beaded. (forgot to snip the threads before photographing. . but will do so before shipping!)
The skirt of the Black Satin Gown is wider than a full circle as you can see in the last picture.
21" Maid Marion and 21" Anna Karenina HAVE BLUE EYE SHADOW! As an artist I prefer this face to the modern Cissy face. (Nothing is more exquisite than vintage Cissy!) Modern Cissy's eyes are loose in their sockets while Maid Marion's eyes have folds to the lids and her face is just more delicate. As a collector I believe over time Maid Marion and Anna Karenina will be more valuable than modern Cissy. There are fewer of them and over the years I've seen fads fade while beautiful dolls continue to hold their value.